Wayne Fu
Hi Craig,
Hope all is well. Thought I would touch base and provide an update on the state of my golf game after the instruction I received from you earlier this year.
For various reasons, I did not manage to get practice or play for about three months after attending the golf school. Consequently, the start of my golf season was at the end of June on a guy’s golf trip. All I had right before going on the trip was 80 minutes on the range to find a swing (any swing!) and the notes I took during our time together – no putting or short game practice which had been the focus of our sessions. Suffice it to say, I was disappointed I had allowed 3 months to elapse and to dull any mental and muscle memory I had acquired. My expectations were low and I warned some of my buddies not to expect seeing any improvements as I hadn’t practiced. Well, to my surprise and that of my buddies (based on their chants of “sandbagger” which I accepted with pride), my notes and recollection of our various conceptual discussions were enough to produce a very obvious improvement and newfound consistency in my putting and short game. It also saved/made me a chunk of money from a “three-putt” game where I have been consistently picked on over the years.
Right after that trip, I joined a golf club in order to begin practicing/playing in earnest. Well, in less than two months, I have taken a 15.8 handicap factor and brought it down to 6.1 as of today. In that short span of time the improvement in my game/scores caught the attention of my friends, club members and club staff. Naturally, everyone who has seen the strides I have made are curious how I improved so quickly and consequently, your name, Bird Golf Academy and the teaching philosophy have come up quite a lot over the past couple of months!
Anyways, I just wanted to thank you again because while I always believed I would see improvement from your instruction, the speed and extent of that improvement has been unexpected. Having confidence that I have a better understanding and practice tools to improve my game has really elevated my enjoyment of golf.
All the best.
Wayne Fu
Calgary, Canada
Golf School: Arizona