Students Say

Students Say

Our scores are improving and we believe a lot is due to Mary’s instructions. It was an excellent experience and we continue to sing the praises of your golf school…..we are playing and enjoying the game more than ever!” Ron & Melinda Thomsen Alexandria, VA Golf School: Florida
Ron & Melinda Thomsen
After a very long back trip to Poland I had another couple days business trip. Two weeks in the Bird Golf Academy it was my good time both for my golf knowledge and my rest. It was my pleasure to meet you personally. Craig is an excellent coach and a very interesting companion. His style of coaching is very productive and attractive. I better understand why golf is truly a wonderful game and why never is too late to start. I am waiting for 2008 springtime in Poland for checking my progress in this game. Thank you very much for your offer to access to Carey Mumford and “long distance” help. It will be great for me to be together with you on November 13-17 in the Wild Horse Pass Resort and Spa. I will keep this date in my 2008 calendar. Best regards, Zdzislaw Chabowski Poland Golf School: Arizona
Zdzislaw Chabowski
Matt Willie who came to a school with Jay Ewing at West Woods in May shows his “new swing”. Notice his perfect posture in pic 1, a takeaway exactly on plane in picture 2 and his position at the top of his swing, with the clubhead pointed directly at the target line. Matt who hopes to make the University of Wyoming golf team this year as a freshman, made all these changes in a 5 day school with Jay. He is on track to become a very fine player. Golf School: Colorado
Matt Willie
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The Bird Golf Academy

The Best Golf Schools In The World
