Students Say

Students Say

Dear Jay … Bonnie and I had a super trip. The room was great and the weather unreal. We stayed an extra day and played. What a great day. Bonnie played very well, using her “Clear Key”, and believed in it. I used it on the final day; and shot a super round for me (MY BEST EVER) … a 76! Thanks Bird Golf, we had a great time and enjoyed everything very much. John Curzon Denver, Colorado Golf School: Arizona
John Curzon
… did well, believe it or not! Played quite a bit before the tournament to get in shape. Was second in longest & straightest drive off #1 tee. (ha, ha was that really me??!! … I guess nobody saw the golf ball taped under my left shoe) and had a very solid short game going. So well done, Keith! Of course, I practiced with my feet together, and took my practice swings sometimes like that. Still working on my own personalized “Clear Key”, but borrowed yours once in a while. Again, many thanks for a fun weekend, outstanding instruction and excellent company. Hope you had some fun too. I will be looking forward to returning to the Wigwam for a refresher. Best. Klaus Runow NY, NY Golf School: Arizona
Klaus Runow
Jay and Shelley, Where do I start! First of all I would like to extend a huge “THANK YOU” to you both for your kindness and professional courtesy to Kyle. I found out that there are certain things that can effect this during our life, but I didn’t figure that taking my Son to a golf school could have the effect on him that it did. After the first day with Shelley, he said that this was the best day on the golf course he could remember and that he would “never forget that time” for the rest of his life! WOW, what a statement from a 15 year old. Kyle was so “Stoked up” for day two that he did not want to go to sleep and wanted to talk all night about his time with Shelley. Well when Kyle woke up he looked at me and said “Man am I sore”, I said well that what it feels like after a hard day with an LPGA player, and he just grinned from ear to ear. So, I have learned more about being a Father! Every once in a while take your Son to Bird Golf School, and see what being a kid again is like! You will love it! gain, I would like to give my highest complement to Shelley for the GREAT job she did with Kyle. I would recommend her to all of my friends. Jerry Regelean Arvada, Colorado p.s. Kyle went to the range after school today!! Golf School: Arizona
Jerry Regelean
“On a scale of 1-10, the 3 days were a 12 …” Gary Coburn Golf School: Arizona
Gary Coburn
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