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Peggy Chapin has been the Director of Golf, at Wild Horse Pass (Whirlwind) for the last 5 years. I first met Peggy a year and a half ago and in the intervening months have had the great pleasure to come to know Peggy.

Often times, we label people, “great” because of their fame as a movie star, or an athlete. Icons are recognized and celebrated because of their fame or public persona.

Peggy is none of the above, she is a golf professional, but she most definitely is a great person. Peggy has cancer. She has battled cancer for five years. It has ravaged her body, but it has never altered her heart, soul and spirit. I have seen Peggy on several occasions when she was feeling terrible, but you would never have known it from how she carried herself. She is courage and bravery, personified. Never once has she ever made any reference to her problems, indeed she was always concerned about how other people were doing. Peggy steadfastly refuses to let this disease beat her.

In her position, at Whirlwind, Peggy managed and led one of the finest staffs at a golf club that you will ever find. Peggy leads by example. When a big outing was going on, Peggy was right there greeting people, overseeing the hectic coming and goings, and handling problems with poise and grace. Her staff reveres her.

A month ago, Peggy’s doctor told her that he had exhausted all the possible treatment that he could to cure her disease. Last Saturday, Peggy decided to go home to her parents’ house in California.

If this Life and the measure of one’s legacy, is how may people that you have inspired and helped, and then Peggy’s legacy is immeasurable. Peggy Chapin is a ‘great’ person. Hers may not be a household name but she is someone who has left an enormous mark, with all of us who have the privilege of knowing her.

Peggy, we salute you. We thank you. Know that your greatness carries on. Your courage is an inspiration. Your kindness, wit and humor continue to shine with those of us, who you have inspired. I am honored to know you, and hope that we will see you back at Whirlwind.

You have lived a grand life, you are one of God’s very special people, and we are all so much better for the chance to be touched, by you. Thank you.
